How Does Private Health Contribute?

Woman smiling private healthThe appropriate level of Private Health Fund Insurance can provide either partial or full coverage of costs associated with private hospital/day surgery and anaesthetic charges for IVF-related procedures. Medicare does not cover towards private hospital fees.

To understand your coverage, contact your Private Health Fund to check if your insurance level includes fertility treatments and whether you have served the relevant waiting periods. We recommend contacting your Private Health Fund for an estimate for any excess or co-payments required.

If your Health Fund covers fertility treatment costs, you may receive rebates for:

  • hospital/day surgery – bed fee and theatre fee
  • portion of the anaesthetist fee
  • portion of the specialist fee
  • medication not covered by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) – this is dependent on your extras pharmacy cover, if applicable

Our dedicated and experienced team is here to provide guidance and support throughout the process. Feel free to contact our friendly team to discuss any questions and learn more about the options available to you.




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    Rainbow Fertility has a responsibility to provide Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) based on relevant state or federal laws and guidelines. All individuals/couples are encouraged to obtain their own legal advice regarding the relevant legislation applying to their circumstances.