The World Egg and Sperm Bank

Rainbow Fertility has a range of donor eggs available, with no waiting periods (NSW & QLD only). Call our Fertility Advice Team on 1300 222 623 to find out more.

Rainbow Fertility has joined The World Egg and Sperm Bank (TWESB) in a partnership to provide those who do not produce eggs or cannot use the eggs they produce, with the opportunity to experience pregnancy and to bear a child. The donated eggs can also be used in surrogacy to help others achieve their dream of parenthood (depending on state legislation).

Your decision to use donated eggs is extremely important, and for this reason, we aim to provide you with as much information as you require. Our fertility nurses are available to discuss any questions you may have about The World Egg and Sperm Bank Donor Program or you can contact The World Egg and Sperm Bank Donor Program directly.


Who are The World Egg and Sperm Bank Donors?

  • The World Egg and Sperm Bank Australia donors are all altruistic.
  • The age of acceptance for donors is 18-32 years old.
  • Non-smoker.
  • No alcohol and/or drug addiction.
  • Need knowledge of the medical and genetic history of family members.
  • Have a healthy body mass index.
  • There are many different donor ethnicities to choose from.
  • All The World Egg and Sperm Bank donors have been counselled by ANZICA qualified counsellors.
  • Family limits will be as per Australian state legislation.
  • Donors agree to release identifying information to a donor-conceived child.

Please be advised

  • As of the 1st May 2020, The World Egg and Sperm Bank donors have had extended carrier screening. If a donor is a carrier of a genetic condition, the sperm provider will be required to have the same extended carrier screening or a genetic counselling appointment. Please speak to the clinic nurse or your fertility clinician.
  • A form will be required to be completed outlining this information and any risks associated.

The World Egg and Sperm Bank donors comply with Australian state laws and national regulations, including both External Donor Gamete Compliance and Internal Donor Gamete Compliance.


About The World Egg and Sperm Bank and Why we Chose them

Before you think that all banks are equal, consider how an egg bank is managing egg quality.

The World Egg and Sperm Bank is specialisedClick to show

The World Egg and Sperm Bank has developed a unique structure: they are the only egg bank that focuses only on providing quality donor ova. They built a state-of-the-art facility that solely focuses on egg freezing. Their unique centralised model ensures they conduct all egg vitrification with proven protocols and the same experienced laboratory systems and professionals. They manage all donor stimulations and retrievals in one single location. They manage quality.

How do other egg banks operate?Click to show

All other egg banks out-source donor recruiting, screening, retrieval, egg freezing and egg transport services; a plethora of different clinics are recruiting, stimulating, retrieving, and freezing donor eggs. Individual clinic employees at each out-sourced clinic location are coming and going, and new training must take place with each new employee at every stage of the donor process. Who can manage consistency network-wide for donor recruiting, screening, retrievals, egg freezing, and shipping?

Why does it matter who is freezing your eggs?Click to show

The World Egg and Sperm Bank donors comply with Australian state laws and national regulations, including both External Donor Gamete Compliance and Internal Donor Gamete Compliance.

Who is handling/shipping your donor eggs?Click to show

All other egg banks who outsource to network clinics have additional risks. Moving eggs from a storage tank to a shipper is a delicate matter. The World Egg and Sperm Bank ships your eggs once – directly to Rainbow Fertility. There are no middlemen or distribution hubs.

The World Egg and Sperm Bank knows what matters?Click to show

They do everything. The World Egg and Sperm Bank manages all donor recruiting, stimulation, retrieval, egg freezing, and shipping of The World Egg and Sperm Bank eggs at their single, state-of-the-art freezing centre. No out-sourcing, no inconsistencies, interruptions, or distractions. Their team applies the same protocols and procedures to every facet of their operations to create highly consistent quality banked donor eggs.



Options Available at Rainbow Fertility

  1. Premium banked eggs – Immediately available in this option, the donor has already been screened, stimulated, and eggs retrieved and frozen. Recipients select eggs, The World Egg and Sperm Bank ship the frozen eggs directly to Rainbow Fertility for egg warming, fertilisation and transfer. Six premium frozen eggs offered.
  2. Embryo option – After selecting one of The World Egg and Sperm Bank options of fresh or frozen eggs (up to six times), they fertilise the eggs with the intended parent or donor sperm and have the embryos frozen and shipped to Rainbow Fertility.

Please see The World Egg and Sperm Bank website for pricing. All prices are in US dollars –



Payment Plan Options Available Through The World Egg and Sperm Bank

Peace of Mind Payment Plan™
The Peace of Mind Payment Plan™ allows you to divide the cost of your donor selection into three equal payments over a three month period. This program applies only for services and products supplied by The World Egg and Sperm Bank. You do not have to complete an application or qualify to take advantage of this payment plan.

Ova Assurance
If your shipment arrives at Rainbow Fertility damaged and unusable due to freight mishandling in transit, The World Egg and Sperm Bank will send a new cohort of eggs for free. Ova Assurance does not void or change any existing guarantees.


Payment Plan Options Available Through Rainbow Fertility

We have a variety of payment plan options on offer to make accessing our services easier on your finances. To learn more about Rainbow Fertility IVF payment plans please visit our Payment Options page.

If you would like more information or would like to speak to someone regarding the options available through The World Egg and Sperm Bank, contact our friendly team on 1300 222 623 or email



Finding and choosing clinic-recruited donor eggs

Eeve Donor Bank

To help couples and individuals find their ideal donor, Rainbow Fertility has launched a new initiative, Eeve Donor Bank.

Eeve Donor Bank is Australia’s leading donor egg bank and was created with the sole purpose of helping those who are trying to fulfil their dream of parenthood but need the help of an egg donor to do so. We have a diverse range of donors with a variety of characteristics, ethnicities and backgrounds for patients to choose from and most importantly we have made the process as easy as possible for their convenience.

Eeve Donor Bank is also Australia’s first egg bank app of registered egg donors offering free donor search functionalities, with a unique, engaging and simple-to-navigate experience. You can download the app now on the  App store and on Google Play Store.

For more information please visit:, call 1300 003 383, or email


Please note: this service is only available within Rainbow Fertility in Queensland and New South Wales. People that reside in other states are welcome to travel to New South Wales or Queensland for treatment.




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    Rainbow Fertility has a responsibility to provide Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) based on relevant state or federal laws and guidelines. All individuals/couples are encouraged to obtain their own legal advice regarding the relevant legislation applying to their circumstances.