Proudly part of the City Fertility Network
A frequent concern that couples have when trying to conceive through IVF is that the other partner can feel excluded both physically and biologically. This is where Partner IVF comes in.
Partner IVF is a type of IVF for couples that enables both partners to become physically involved in the conception of the baby. In this option, one partner provides the eggs, which are fertilised with donor sperm, and the other carries the pregnancy. The beauty of partner IVF is that each partner gets to both experience childbearing and have a biological connection to the child.
Make an appointment for an initial consultation with a fertility specialist by calling our advice team on 1300 222 623.
Please ensure you have a referral from your general practitioner to one of our accredited fertility specialists. This way you will be able to claim some of the consultation cost back through Medicare.
Outlined below is a guide to the steps involved before and during the treatment process.
Before treatment:
Alternatively, if you choose to use clinic-recruited donor, you and your partner will proceed to undergo a series of tests, counselling and information sessions.
Treatment process
For a detailed insight into the IVF treatment process visit our IVF page.
There are many important things to consider and decisions to be made if you are thinking of starting a family using Partner IVF as a means of conception.
Key things to consider include:
If using a known donor:
All patients are unique, have different medical histories and as such different treatment requirements, therefore your treatment plan is always tailored to meet your needs as an individual or couple. For detailed information on treatment pricing, visit our page on treatment prices.
All patients are provided with an obligation free quote* prior to their IVF treatment.
*The quote provided is an estimate based on your current treatment plan and is subject to change, without notice, in accordance to the changes to your plan throughout your treatment.
If your treating specialist is able to diagnose medical infertility, Medicare rebates can be claimed for Donor Sperm Artificial Insemination and IVF cycles. Without a diagnosis of medical infertility, the cost of treatment will not be eligible for Medicare rebates.
Rainbow Fertility offers several payment plan options for IVF cycles. These payment options are only available for Rainbow Fertility fees and cannot be used to pay for external provider fees such as the hospital, anaesthetist, pharmacy, and specialist fees.
The payment plans available to choose from are as follows:
To learn more about these options, please visit the Payment Options page on our website.
If you would like to find out more about our payment plans, or to discuss the treatment options available to you, just give our friendly team a call or send us a message in confidence.
Call: 1300 222 623