Michelle Beard

Michelle brings a wealth of experience to individuals and couples seeking fertility treatment and emotional support. She is known for providing a friendly, compassionate and

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Claire Hall

Claire Hall Counsellor

“Claire offers a unique approach to empowering her clients through coaching and hypnotherapy to help establish a sense of control and growth from their experience.”

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Dr Monique Cohenka

Dr Monqiue Cohenka Counsellor

“ Monique’s counselling style is respectful, friendly and compassionate. Her sessions provide a safe, welcoming and thoughtful space to help couples or individuals work through

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Narelle Dickson

Narelle Dickson Counsellor

“As a specialist infertility counsellor Narelle works with families struggling with infertility, including those who utilise donor conception and surrogacy. She provides support to families

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    Rainbow Fertility has a responsibility to provide Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) based on relevant state or federal laws and guidelines. All individuals/couples are encouraged to obtain their own legal advice regarding the relevant legislation applying to their circumstances.